Tool Box

Get ready for Privacy Act 2020 with P20BOT

Did you know there is a new Privacy Act for New Zealand coming into effect 1 December 2020?

To assist organisations get familiar with the new Privacy Act, StopLookGo Privacy have created a free online tool called P20BOT (pronounced pee-2-zero-bot).

The tool assists organisations understand the upcoming changes in the Privacy Act and produces customised preparedness reports, based on the answers provided.




New Research on Mental Wellbeing in Small Business

Research Report



The Latest Kiwibank Economics Presentation

Jarrod Kerr – Kiwibank Economics Presentation


——————————//—————————— is a good platform for support and advice on business start-up, staff & HR, tax & reporting and laws & regulation. Click here to view documents and resources:  Resources


Health & Safety in the workplace has many implications for all business owners.  Click here for quick reference:

Managing Health & Safety


Are you looking for a mentor who is confidential and skilled in business mentoring for New Zealand business owners?

Apply for a Business Mentor

Get help from an experienced businessperson who can offer guidance, act as a sounding board, challenge your thinking and provide you with an independent and fresh perspective.  Business Mentors New Zealand can match you with a volunteer Business Mentor for up to 12-months.  Click here for more information or apply now:  Apply now

Become a Business Mentor

Starting and running a business is all about making decisions, and some insight from someone who’s ‘been there and done that’ can make all the difference.  Become a volunteer Business Mentor with Business Mentors New Zealand and help support those starting, growing, and trying to manage their own business.  Become a Mentor


NZTE can help build your capability by providing services, or access to a range of services, to give you the tools and skills needed to successfully take on the world.

Click here to read more


Callaghan Innovation is NZ’s innovation agency and their core role is to activate innovation and help businesses grow faster for a better New Zealand.  They partner with ambitious businesses of all sizes, providing a range of innovation and research and development (R&D) services to suit each stage of growth.  Click here to know more or to explore your opportunities for R&D:  Research & Development


 Industry Profiler Tool

Industry Profiler is a tool that collates a range of information on businesses with 0 to 19 employees, from a simple industry search. You can either search or browse for an industry profile. An industry profile provides details on demographics, industry performance over time, staff turnover, and survival of small businesses within an industry.

Market Mapper Tool

Market Mapper allows you to easily and quickly create a density map of your target customers. This will be useful in decisions around marketing efforts, where to locate a business, and estimation of market size. It uses Statistics New Zealand’s census data and allows users to describe their market of interest in terms of age, sex, ethnicity, income, family type, and household composition.
