Unlock Savings, Special Offers and Value Adds using our Member App
Members of Business Whanganui can access exclusive discounts and special offers from Chamber National Partners, as well as local Business Whanganui Members and Regional Partners, across a range of goods and services.
Download the App NOW and start to get the benefits straight away

Download the App : Available on both Android and iOS platforms.
Sign up : Sign up using your business/work email. Verify your email address (check for an email from 3PM, our app developers).
Unlock Savings + Access Special Offers and Value Adds : Use the app to access offers from our Chamber National Partners and local Member to Member offers.
Get your staff to download the App too
Update your staff and ask them to download the Business Chamber Partners App – all your staff can do this at no cost and with huge savings, it’s a perfect way to thank your teams for their support through the year.
Create your Own Special Offer for Members Now
Do you want to include your own special offer for members? This facility is available to paid-up members of Business Whanganui at no cost from 1 August 2024 to 30 June 2025. Formulate your offer using the guidelines below to make sure you’re ready to go.
Submit your Special Offer for Members Here
Special Offers for Members – things to consider:
- One offer per member business at a time. The offer must include a discount, special offer, or value-add product or service.
- Each featured offer will showcase your logo, business name, contacts – please include a website link, a very brief explainer of what your business does + a brief outline of the offer. You also have the option to include a link to a web page specifically set up to explain the offer further.
- Offers will run for a specified time – minimum 30 days to maximum 180 days. Run-time should be specified at the time of set-up. An offer can be changed out for a new one after 30-days (min 3 working days notice to Business Whanganui)
- Offers are a promotional opportunity. New offers will be announced via push notification on the app, and/or via Business Whanganui e-comms.
- Is your offer business-to-business only (owners/management/business) or business-to-client/customer (open to all of a business’ staff as well as owners/management)
- Honouring offers is the responsibility of the member business making the offer, as is ensuring listed offers remain current.
Questions? send them in an email support@businesswhanganui.nz
Business Whanganui is not responsible for any offers made to members. This is the sole responsibility of the member business making the offer. The offers may be subject to availability and conditions not outlined. Members are advised to check with the respective member business to determine availability and conditions.